Web Directory And Article Site SAP-Business Objects_(DWH): BO XIR3 Materials

BO XIR3 Materials

New in XI R3.0 (Titan):
- Better security (Custom Access Levels, "Trumping" of rights, etc.)
- Being able to prevent access rights from propagating to sub-objects (thereby avoiding the need to break inheritance)
- New GUI for the CMC
- Repository Federation (=replication of the repository to other BOE cluster)
- Repository Diagnostic Tool (to remedy inconsistencies between CMS database entries and files in the FRS)
- SIAs (new grouping/managing of servers, see also "bootstrap" files)
- Cloning Server Services
- Building Server Services templates (for cloning)
- The CMC is now the leading system, not the CCM
- Enhanced failover capabilities (session failover, etc.)

- Improved Import Wizard (better understandable options)
- Rich Client version of WebIntelligence (offline Webi), called WRC
- Tracking feature in WebIntelligence

- New Publishing features (close to BCAP of version 6.x)

- Multi-language support for universes
- Designer: Smart measures (or so called database delegated measures in the universe)
- Designer: Forcing predefined conditions/filters on the whole universe or on a universe class
- Optional prompts
- Database delegated search for LOVs (data type CHARACTER)
- Enhanced OLAP universes (see also SAP BW, etc.)
- Better performance against SAP BW OLAP based universes
- Being able to do an update to the structure of OLAP based universes with conflict resolution
- Being able to build universes using stored procedures

New in XI R3.1:
- LifeCycle Management (LCM) tool for promoting content from Dev --> Test --> Prod

New in XI R3.2:
- Input controls in WebIntelligence
- Increased support for SAP OLAP universes (see also SAP BusinessObjects Integration Solution (Integration Kit) such as MDX formula editor in universe designer, improved OLAP universe update wizard, etc.
- New Universe parameter SMART_AGGREGATE to force the usage of the most detailed fact tables (see also: smart measure/database delegated measure)